Stack Size 10 to 14 bb の変更点

Top > Stack Size 10 to 14 bb

**VPIP SB Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#e5cc9727]

**VPIP BB Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#y7de9b0e]

**VPIP EP Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#z4b7e3d8]

**VPIP MP Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#mc4fa058]

**VPIP CO Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#e821a765]

**VPIP BTN Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#y7e8c07d]

**PFR SB Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#s6d83911]

**PFR BB Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#o4668b18]

**PFR EP Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#w5fe3cec]

**PFR MP Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#k8161264]

**PFR CO Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#ke4f7c63]

**PFR BTN Unopened Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#a4104cd6]

**VPIP SB Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#p2f84ef8]

**VPIP BB Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#w09a668c]

**VPIP EP Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#h09210c2]

**VPIP MP Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#y2ed90c1]

**VPIP CO Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#m5d3ccab]

**VPIP BTN Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#h310c65e]

**PFR SB Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#ofb75283]

**PFR BB Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#v8ba0ad5]

**PFR EP Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#ba5a962e]

**PFR MP Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#ud772524]

**PFR CO Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#w892ce34]

**PFR BTN Limped Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#w74cccc2]

**VPIP SB Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#z24b9b95]

**VPIP BB Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#e0b72a6e]

**VPIP EP Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#h0195fa9]

**VPIP MP Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#i47ef733]

**VPIP CO Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#a1e3bf69]

**VPIP BTN Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#b388f140]

**PFR SB Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#p2490764]

**PFR BB Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#z725bb50]

**PFR EP Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#h05fc738]

**PFR MP Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#ibffef5a]

**PFR CO Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#b4b73e3e]

**PFR BTN Raised Pot 10 to 14 bb Stack [#c82cc647]