General Settings

Thu, 06 Oct 2016 09:38:50 JST (3033d)
Top > General Settings

Common Settings Edit

Hide hero HUD Edit

Use session stats Edit

Show note icon Edit

Show Auto Rate icon Edit

Show abbreviations Edit

Show Table HUD Edit

Separator Edit

Stat Padding Edit

Min hands Edit

Overhang Edit

Last hand winners Edit

Pots over Edit

Mucked Cards Edit

Hero mucked cards Edit

Won/loss label Edit

Display time(sec) Edit

Mucked Cards Opacity Edit

HUD Font Edit

Background Edit

Alt background Edit

Text Edit

Scale font Edit

Hud Opacity Edit

Font Edit

Advanced Settings Edit

HUD logging Edit

Hide HUD if there's no hero Edit

Lock HUD layout Edit

Auto Z-Order Edit

Click for stat popup Edit

Remember selection Edit

Force HUD on top of tables Edit

Show HUD on active table only Edit

Cap % to 99% Edit

Always use two digits for percentages Edit

Apply color coding for popup stats Edit

Popup hover time(ms) Edit