Stack Size 7 to 9 bb の変更点

Top > Stack Size 7 to 9 bb

**VPIP SB Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#ma408ade]

**VPIP BB Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#xb9b5aaf]

**VPIP EP Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#l87b185b]

**VPIP MP Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#ab0f3f9f]

**VPIP CO Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#k66e3f2c]

**VPIP BTN Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#b31e1045]

**PFR SB Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#dd025ec1]

**PFR BB Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#ga466f94]

**PFR EP Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#c3bd5fed]

**PFR MP Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#d12c2fda]

**PFR CO Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#sd306d5e]

**PFR BTN Unopened Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#t14ef61c]

**VPIP SB Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#d4b2d9f2]

**VPIP BB Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#vc90ba97]

**VPIP EP Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#xe146b4a]

**VPIP MP Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#f937c484]

**VPIP CO Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#x42dbbe5]

**VPIP BTN Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#o56ba941]

**PFR SB Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#g2bd0e2e]

**PFR BB Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#wce6d877]

**PFR EP Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#pa13173b]

**PFR MP Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#n8e2b0f1]

**PFR CO Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#a6fdfa08]

**PFR BTN Limped Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#va7b1b54]

**VPIP SB Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#g897c9a3]

**VPIP BB Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#u40e9a48]

**VPIP EP Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#r734cee5]

**VPIP MP Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#v21aabc5]

**VPIP CO Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#gc08f2ce]

**VPIP BTN Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#xca3b665]

**PFR SB Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#l810dee3]

**PFR BB Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#q5028484]

**PFR EP Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#g33bce6f]

**PFR MP Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#o282f215]

**PFR CO Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#ne468842]

**PFR BTN Raised Pot 7 to 9 bb Stack [#vac1394a]